With Christmas a couple days out, I thought it appropriate to bring Jesus into the convo about Virtual Consults.
Let’s open our Bibles to John chapter 21…
Here we find Jesus’ disciples on a bad fishing trip.
Jesus comes along on shore (they don’t know it is him), and asks what’s going on.
They tell him, “Dude, we haven’t caught anything all night.” (Troy Translation)
Jesus instructs them to cast their nets on the other side of the boat. Have a little faith, try something new.
With an eye roll, they hesitantly comply. And to their surprise and joy, the nets are so full of fish, they can’t pull them into the boat.
Maybe your current fishing strategy isn’t providing you enough new surgical patients. And you’re a little frustrated… like the disciples were.
Or maybe you simply want a bigger catch than what you’re already hauling in.
When you get on board with the proper Virtual Consultation model, you have the opportunity to “cast your nets on the other side of the boat.”
This works in a few different ways. Here’s two:
1. It gives people in your current geographic area the opportunity to engage you.
Even if they don’t want a normal in-person consult for whatever reason.
If they are afraid, or if they don’t want to put pants on, or if they are interested – just not that interested – you can still get them on the hook. (pun intended)
2. It gives you the opportunity to cast a wider net.
You know that small town 40 miles east of your office? The one where you get a patient randomly every month or two?
It’s difficult to get folks to drive an hour into the city for a consultation.
But can you get them on a 15-minute Express Virtual Consult? You sure can.
And once they get a bit of face time with your team, build rapport, and discover they are likely a good candidate…
Well, that haul into the city doesn’t seem so far after all.
Don’t take my word for it.
Virtual Consults, done in the right way, are already driving surgical volume for a number of practices across the country.
And this is your opportunity to be on the forefront of this “Virtual Shift,” instead of playing catchup…
So do what Jesus told his boys on the boat. Have a little faith. Try something new. Cast your nets on the other side.
And you may quickly go from quoting John to quoting Jaws…
“I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat.”
– Troy “Fisher of Consults” Cole
PS – If you want to realize the full benefits of an effective Virtual Consultation program, but you aren’t sure how to market Virtual Consults / book them / execute them / convert them to sx… you may benefit from our Patient Prime System.
The PPS is a turnkey marketing program with all of this included. And there are no retainers or ongoing fees, which = no risk to you.
We have room for 3 more practices in our Q1 launch group of the Patient Prime System, so if you’re interested, reply to this email asap.
PPSÂ – Merry Christmas from my family to yours. I pray this is a relaxing and joyful season as you celebrate your many blessings!