There’s a big piece of property on the highway exit to my house. Previously, it was a giant, overgrown field without much value.
But a couple years ago, developers bought it and put in a nice outdoor shopping and dining center.
They took an asset that was worth little, and developed it into something worth much more.
Which leads me to today’s Case Study… 👇
Much like Real Estate investors, you can find an “opportunity” for new patients and “develop” them.
Unlike Real Estate, it doesn’t require years of work, huge budgets, and loads of risk.
In fact, we have a process that allows you to “develop” a windfall of new surgery patients for $0 cash outlay…
And it can be done in a matter of weeks, not years.
Tap here to watch the video and discover how 5 practices did just that.
– Troy “Developing Patients” Cole
PS – After you watch the video, email me (troy at troy cole dot com) for details on how to do this for your practice.