Last week, I emailed you about the 4 myths surrounding virtual consults.
In case you missed that one, you can check it out here. (Be sure to read it if you didn’t. It’s worth 5 minutes of your time)
Now, there is one very real road block that all practices must face if they want to see all the benefits of virtual consults:
“WHO is going to do them and HOW do we fit them into our already hectic/busy schedule?”
These are real concerns. And if you don’t plan it out properly, you’re setting yourself up for a struggle.
We have 2 different ways we address this through our Patient Prime System.
Way 1. We connect you with someone in your shoes to build your logistics plan with you.
Remember Liam Neeson’s famous line in the movie Taken?
“What I do have are a particular set of skills.”
We have people with “particular sets of skills” on the Patient Prime team. Including the person who runs one of the most successful Virtual Consultation programs in the country, with a 70% conversion rate from Virtual Consult to surgery.
As part of the onboarding process for Patient Prime, you have the opportunity to meet with her. She will work with you to plan out the personnel, scheduling and management of your Virtual Consultation program based on your specific needs and team availability.
Who better to help you than someone who’s in the trenches and runs this program successfully on a daily basis?
Now, up until this point, that was your only option for Virtual Consult logistics planning. And it’s an amazing option, don’t get me wrong.
But here’s what we’ve heard from a number of practices:
“Troy, we love the virtual consult concept. We see the need and know we need to move on this quickly. But when it comes to logistics… we just don’t have the manpower to do them. Period.”
We don’t want those practices to be left out in the cold (and it’s like 15 degrees here in Texas as I write this, so I know how lame ‘the cold’ can be…).
So here’s what we’re doing… 👇
Way 2. We’ll do your virtual consults for you.
Rather than you having to figure out who is going to do the virtual consults, how to schedule them in, and how to handle bandwidth issues…
We take all that off your plate. Our team will conduct the virtual consults for you, and book these patients directly into pre-op for your practice.
To summarize what we do with the Virtual Consult portion of our Patient Prime System, by adding this done-for-you virtual consult:
👉 We help you market virtual consults
👉 We book them
👉 We confirm them
👉 We remind prospects to show up
✅ AND we conduct the Virtual Consults
And you’re only interacting with these people once they come in for a pre-op.
Limited on bandwidth? Then this is the perfect way for you to grow your surgical volume.
If that sounds interesting to you, here’s the thing:
This opportunity is limited. Because this is a beta program, we can’t/won’t open it up to everyone.
We’re looking for 3 practices that want more refractive surgeries ASAP. And we’ll handle everything up until the point they walk in your door.
So if you’re interested, reply to this email so we can jump on a quick call to make sure you’re a good fit.
– Done-For-You Troy
PS – Michael and I recorded a video going through the Done-For-You virtual consults in more detail. We also show you the actual year-over-year data of a practice before-vs-after virtual consults. You can see that video here.
PPS – If you know someone who might benefit from this, pass it along. I always send these opportunities to my private email list first, and then open them up to others. So it’s fine if you share this with another practice you know personally.