We were enjoying pool time with friends recently (because what the heck else are you supposed to do in Texas in July?), and the topic turned to sales.
The question: Is “sales” a skill that can be taught, or is sales an innate gift that some people are just born with (and the rest of us are out of luck?)
A couple of our friends – both sales people in different fields – were certain that sales is NOT a teachable skill. People either have that sales “talent” or they don’t, and there’s not much changing them.
Of course Susan and I giggled at this notion. Because every day, we work with teams full of folks you would not describe as “natural” salespeople. And they CERTAINLY wouldn’t describe themselves that way.
People who’ve never had a sales job, never thought about selling anything. And many of whom were repulsed by the “S” word (sales) before encountering our coaching programs.
(Which is fine, btw. We don’t care what you call it.)
But in short order (usually 4-6 weeks, sometimes less), they find themselves confidently asking for – and receiving – $5k, $10k, $15k or more for high-ticket procedures at their respective practices.
Sounds suspiciously like something a salesperson could do… 🤔
BUT as I said, these aren’t salespeople in the traditional sense. So according to my friends, these “sales skill transformations” we see happening on a weekly basis are simply… impossible.
Well call me Tom Cruise, because we and our amazing clients continue accomplishing Mission: Impossible… and man is it fun!
(Not riding-a-high-performance-motorcycle-off-a-cliff fun, but pretty darn fun nonetheless…)
Back to the convo…
A big part of our friends’ opinion was rooted in the fact that they themselves had never seen it happen. They’ve worked with good sales people, and what you would consider “bad” sales people, and no one have ever made the transformation.
Now there are plenty of reasons someone might be “bad” at sales. Several of which can’t be helped by anyone but that individual (bad attitude, unwillingness to learn, thinking they know it all, etc.). We’re not miracle workers over here.
But Susan explained the way we go about coaching our clients. And how it centers around helping THEM understand their OWN communication styles first.
To be clear, we’re not trying to change anyone. That actually IS darn near impossible. We help those we coach to understand themselves – their own biases, strengths, growth areas, tendencies. And then showing them how to use their unique qualities to communicate and connect with others… to lead prospective patients where they need to go.
Truth is, if you have folks who are coachable, have good attitudes, and believe in the mission of your practice… we can usually implant the skills they need to convert leads into consults and surgeries.
So… can sales be taught? Short answer is yes, as long as you have people who believe in your practice and are willing to learn.
Stay cool,
Troy and Susan
PS – Not sure if you have the right people? Or maybe you have a few of the right people… and you’re in the process of finding more? Hit ‘reply’ and let’s have a brief convo about where you are, and at what point (if any) coaching may benefit your team…