If you’re frustrated about not having the bandwidth to grow your refractive volume right now – because you’re still short-staffed or for any other reason – Read on to find out exactly how to do it… 👇
Last week, I sent you a case study of a client who used our Patient Prime System to generate an extra 7 figures in quarterly revenue, year over year.
And that’s awesome. More revenue is awesome. More surgeries are awesome.
Sitting in the refractive suite for an extra 3 hours on surgery day because you’re so darn booked up… awesome.
But there’s one other awesome thing I completely failed to mention when I sent this over to you.
And that is efficiency.
See, there are many practices out there who see the big opportunity right now. The “Refractive Wave” that is happening.
People have a renewed interest in LASIK. They don’t like the foggy glasses, they don’t like spreading germs to their eyes by touching their contacts. And they’re ready to make a change.
It really is a massive opportunity. And you want to take full advantage of it.
Heck, you deserve to take advantage of it, in my humble-but-accurate opinion. As hard as you work, as much as you’ve put on the line to open and grow a practice.
Not to mention the fact that you had your entire operation shut down last year, for goodness sakes. But you persisted, you pivoted, you survived. And now it’s your time to prosper.
(And let’s be real – patients need you to prosper. They need the solutions you have. Don’t get all “I feel bad making money during a Pandemic” on me. Making money is the only way you keep changing lives. Do it proudly.)
Here’s the common challenge I’m hearing:
In talking with many practices over the last few weeks, the #1 reason they feel like they can’t go full-out and really capitalize on the Refractive Wave opportunity…
Is a lack of bandwidth. Many practices haven’t fully staffed back up from COVID. Team members are spread thinner than they were pre-shutdown.
They’re short-handed. Short-staffed. And sure, they’re moving in the direction of a full roster… but they aren’t there yet.
Unfortunately, opportunity waits for no one. It’s not gonna wait for you to staff up. It’s not gonna wait for you to feel comfortable pushing the gas pedal. It’s here now, and you have to take advantage of it now.
So how do you do it?
This was the thing I completely failed to point out in the case study I shared.
If you go back and watch the video, I want you to pay attention to these points. Read the rest of this message first, then check out the video again (I linked it at the bottom of this email).
Point 1 – The practice spent less time following up with leads.
Year over year, the practice in the case study generated about the same number of leads for the 3-month period in 2020 as they did in 2019.
On average, a lead takes X amount of time for your team to engage. (That’s not a typo. “X” is whatever that average is – 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.)
So if they generated the same number of leads, it would have taken about the same amount of time and effort to follow up with them, right?
Actually, no. The practice spent significantly less time on lead follow-up. Because about 25% of the leads were for virtual consults, which are self-scheduled appointments.
In fact, the practice didn’t have to spend any time or bandwidth on those particular leads prior to them showing up for the consult. We qualify, educate and do all the appointment reminders for them.
Math: Same # of leads + less time spent working the leads = More Efficient.
Point 2 – The practice booked more consults from the same number of leads.
42% more consults booked, to be exact. In 2019, 40% of their leads converted to consults. In 2020, 57% of their leads converted to consults for the same time period.
Again, this is due in large part to the way we have set up the self-scheduler/qualifier/reminder flow of our virtual consult funnel.
Math: Same # of leads + Higher conversion rate to consult = More Efficient.
Point 3 (The Big Takeaway) – When you’re running lean and mean, the only way to grow your volume is to become more efficient.
For anyone whose team is stretched thin, who doesn’t feel like they have the bandwidth to take full advantage of the Refractive Wave… this is how you do it.
You increase efficiency. Less time chasing down leads. More time focused on prospects who show up to consults and are ready, willing and able to book treatment.
Math: Reduced team + massively increased efficiency with new patient opportunities = net positive practice growth.
The best way we’ve found to increase efficiency is through our virtual consult system that’s been tried, tested, tweaked and perfected by multiple practices and thousands of prospective patients.
You don’t have to write anything, build anything or figure anything out. We have the whole process packaged up, and we plug it right into your practice. It’s that simple.
So if you don’t want the Refractive Wave to pass you by, reply to this email ASAP and let’s talk.
– Troy “Ride the Wave (Efficiently) Cole”
PS – Almost forgot the video link to the case study. Check it out here.