In the East Texas pinewoods where I grew up, lumber is big business.
And there’s a term from the lumber industry called “Sell Your Sawdust” which very much applies to your practice as well.
The idea is that these lumber mills create the initial products to be sold – planks, posts, etc. And the byproduct of this work, the pieces that were left over, it’s obviously tons of sawdust.
For the longest time, folks would simply dump the sawdust out in the woods somewhere. It was seen as waste, leftovers, useless.
But at one point, someone said, “Hey, we have all this sawdust. What if we could sell it too?”
Fast forward to modern times, and you see tons of items made from sawdust – fire starters, particle board, to soak oil spills, mulch, crafts and more.
The lumber industry figured out how to monetize the byproduct of their main production. And now sawdust it’s a multi-billion dollar industry.
McDonald’s did the same thing. The potato supplier for McDonald’s cuts zillions of potatoes into French fries for them. The result is millions of gallons of leftover bits and pieces of potato.
How did they “sell their sawdust”? By turning those bits into hash browns, which are supposedly one of the potato supplier’s highest margin items.
So the first question for you is, “Do you have sawdust?”
Yes. You’re out there generating leads for your practice with the goal of turning them into surgeries. And for some of them, you do.
But the byproduct of that – the sawdust – is a massive amount of leads that don’t book surgery, or don’t book a consult, or don’t reply to a message, or simply ghost you at some point. And for some of you, your sawdust is someone you did LASIK on 20 years ago, and now is reaching presbyopia age and needs a new solution.
OK, on to the second question – “How do you monetize your sawdust?”
That’s precisely what Michael King and I will discuss on our webinar Thursday. Over the last 2 years, Michael has been experimenting with a number of “sawdust-selling” techniques that have yielded significant revenue for his clients.
There are a few key benefits to the approach we’re going to show you:
- These strategies require minimal capital expenditure because you already have the sawdust (you can always market to create more sawdust, but you don’t have to)
- They are also scalable and highly efficient, designed specifically to require minimal time from you and your team.
- If you’re experiencing a downturn in your volume like a lot of places are, this can give you a fresh source of new patients.
- They’re repeatable. So you can do them multiple times throughout the year, and we’ll show you how.
If any of that interests you, tap here to register now.
Oh, and one more cool aspect of this – By monetizing your sawdust in the way we will show you, it actually creates another form of sawdust you can monetize as well. (We’ll get into these details on the call)
Sawdust from your sawdust. Can’t beat it.
Register here, see you on Thursday.
– Troy “Lumberjack’d” Cole
PS – I may or may not wear a lumberjack flannel on this webinar, that’s how bullish I am on this approach. Guess you’ll have to show up to find out…