Before you get any ideas, yes I’m still on the Cowboys bandwagon. This is our year! 🤣
But when Jean and Amy from CareCredit asked me to join forces with my guy Michael King and do an online video series about ninja tactics for marketing and converting refractive surgeries, we knew it needed a vibe.
The series launches next week (I think), so I wanted to give you a sneak peek of the cover image:
And if that looks familiar, yes we totally did a play on Travis and Jason Kelce’s smash hit podcast, New Heights…
(Pretend I inserted a marketing lesson about not recreating the wheel, and a second marketing lesson about the power of learning from other industries and applying them to yours…)
Mike and I won’t be talking about winning Super Bowls or dating international pop stars. So if that’s your bag, sorry to disappoint. BUT we do dig deep into tactical ways to set yourself miles apart in how you market and convert high-ticket surgeries in your practice. What’s working NOW.
So keep your eyes peeled for when the first episodes drop. I’ll shoot you a link once they’re released.
A nugget for you to take and use today – Michael and I get into on the valuable concept of Hidden Marketing Assets. What do you have RIGHT NOW that you can leverage with little to no additional marketing spend, and minimal effort?
The answer is: Your list of non-converted consults and surgeries.
You are sitting on a (potential) treasure trove of surgery patients that simply need to be activated. We get into HOW you can activate them in the series, so be on the lookout.
Also – this video series is leading up to AAO, where you can join Michael and me LIVE at the CareCredit booth for rapid fire Q&A, maybe some arm wrestling and other shenanigans.
More details on that in coming days…
– Troy “Kel-Ce you in Chicago” Cole
PS – Are you going to AAO? Hit me back and let me know, we can connect and I’ll buy you a cocktail or an ice-cold cherry Pepsi (Travis Kelce’s favorite drink, according to his comments on the podcast… ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )