A number of folks enjoyed the email I sent a couple weeks ago re: the marketing placemat from my Toyota dealership. (Check it out here if you missed it – Mimic This “Positioning Placemat” from my Toyota Dealership)
I’m a fan of learning from industries OUTSIDE elective medicine. Then we apply those tactics, frames and strategies to create success in our clients’ practices.
I wanted to share another “In the Wild” marketing element that caught my eye during my recent journey into desk chair shopping.
Check out this graphic that I saw on one of the websites…
(Here’s a link to a full-size image in case you can’t read it)
What do I like about this?
I’m a fan of the classic Apple campaign “Think Differently.”
It’s a concept that’s foundational to our coaching programs. If we know how to think about 1. our job roles, and 2. our patients, AND if we are able to teach THEM to think differently… then everyone is set up for success.
One of the questions we often ask: “What are people actually buying?”
Do they want to spend thousands of dollars to have their eyes zapped with lasers? No. No one does.
So what are your patients buying? Some mix of:
Clear vision, peace of mind, freedom, confidence, safety, a sound investment, a more active lifestyle.
Hear me: it’s not just a one-time, 5-minute procedure your patients are I’m buying. They spend their money on all the implications of that procedure. And those extend YEARS into the future and affect virtually every aspect of life.
Back to the example…
What am I buying when I’m buying a chair?
(besides something to sit on.)
I want something that’s comfortable. That’ll last a long time. That’s not gonna cost me an arm and a leg to get shipped my office. That’s easy to switch out if I don’t like it. That I feel like is a good investment.
Check out the graphic again 👇…
These things I’m ACTUALLY buying… are covered in the graphic. Trials, returns, free shipping, quality, warranty.
Now jump back to the headline. Notice how these little benefits are all wrapped in a container of “We put you first.” And I love the sub headline – “More than just a package, we deliver to you an end-to-end experience that exceeds all your expectations.”
A little melodramatic for a chair? Maybe. On-point for an elective medical practice? 💯.
Can you swipe this very idea and use it? Yeah, I can think of several specific applications of this concept that would be absolute 🔥 for an elective practice. You can probably come up with more.
Use it in your sales scripts, on your site and even brochures. And you can parse these out and “zoom in” on particular ones, depending on your patients’ priorities.
In conclusion, I encourage you to take a moment and consider:
What are your patients ACTUALLY buying?
And are you communicating (clearly and crisply) how you include all these benefits in the care package you sell to them?
– T-Cole