One of the most fascinating and useful things to study in business – the fall of huge companies.
Think of the companies that dominated their industries for years – Kodak, Yellow Pages, Blockbuster Video, etc. They were the Goliath. They were on top of the world.
Then seemingly overnight, these very same companies were choked out of existence. Kinda scary when you think about it.
And there’s one thing that all these fallen giants have in common. Enter today’s video…
As Michael and I were planning out an upcoming webinar, we decided to stop and shoot this quick video for you about the “Goliath Slayer” – the one product that killed these massive companies after they dominated their industries for decades.
In this short video, we go over:
- The one piece of technology that killed massive companies like Yellow Pages, Kodak and the Taxi industry
- Why the deaths of these companies had nothing to do with their inherent quality… and why that matters to your refractive marketing and sales processes
- Where refractive surgery lies in the “tech transfer” process (this is a huge opportunity)
- Why this King-Killer is also a King-Maker for the companies that know how to leverage it in the proper way
- And more…
Click here to check it out now.
Make it a great day!
- Troy “Phone Book Ripper” Cole